Better Choices You Can Live With


Made of natural ingredients. Keto & Paleo friendly

Craving Less

Just a quick spray before any meal to reduce cravings and help manage portion control.

The Problem We Are Addressing 

30.7% of adults are overweight.

42% of American adults have obesity. 

> 2/3

Adults in the United States are overweight or have obesity. 

40 & 59 years old

of American adults more likely to have obesity

Many overweight individuals attribute their weight gain partly to excessive snacking and overeating between meals.

Gotu Kola extract (Herb)

  • Used for centuries for its various health benefits
  • Helps reduce appetite and curb hunger
  • Promotes a feeling of fullness, making it easier to resist cravings and overeating

Klamath Algae powder (Thallus)  

  • Packed with nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and amino acids
  • Supports healthy brain function and boosts energy levels
  • The high protein content of Klamath algae powder can promote a feeling of fullness.

Globe Artichoke extract (Leaf)  

  • Its natural compounds reduces appetite by stimulating the production of bile, which plays a crucial role in metabolism and digestion.
  • By improving digestion, it supports feelings of fullness and reduces cravings

How We Solve It

- 6 Key Ingredients

Griffonia extract (Seed)

  • It is a source of 5-HTP, a compound that helps regulate serotonin levels in the brain.
    Serotonin is known as the "feel-good" hormone and plays a vital role in appetite control
  • Effectively reduces cravings and promote a sense of satisfaction

Dandelion extract (Root)

  • Traditionally used as a natural appetite suppressant
  • Helps control food cravings by regulating blood sugar levels
  • Effectively prevents sudden spikes and crashes that often lead to increased hunger

Guarana extract (Seed)

  • Known for its ability to suppress appetite and increase metabolism
  • Provides gentle energy boost
    helps reduce the desire to eat and encourages the body to burn calories more efficiently.

Appendix 1 - Claims

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Appendix 2 – Supplement Facts